Monday, February 21, 2011
The people in America need to wake up.This is not a goverment for the people by the people.It's a goverment for the rich by the rich.Run by corparate goverment lackies paid for by the rich.When was the last time you seen a poor man become president.And you never will.They spend millions on campains.Unless you are rich you can't even run.So who does this goverment trully represent.The rich and only rich.While they keep sucking the poor dry.And almost doing away with the middle class.By allowing the corporations to ship our jobs overseas.Too use slave labor and ship there products back to the u.s.Instead of looking out for the American people And demanding anything that can be made in america be made here with decent living wages.They bow too the corporations are controlled by the coporations and the rich.While the rich pay less and less in taxes.The poor who made the rich rich from the sweat of there backs are getting any programs that help them survive cut.While the poor pay at least 25% of there income to social sercurity.The rich have a cut off point and ppay almost nothing as a percentage of there income compared too the poor.And then the goverment controlled by the rich steals from Social security to pay for other programs and there illegal wars.Our military is supposed to be for defense of this nation our soil.Instead we are in almost every country in the world.Trying to protect corporate intertests.Not the true American peoples interest.We don't belong in other countries buissness thats what caused 911 to happen we created and were allies with bothe osama bin laudin and sadam hussan.It's all; b.s. so this goverment can take more of our freedoms and right away under the disguise of a so called terror threat which they created in the first place by getting into other countries buissness.The so called justice system in this country is a joke.Equal justice for all were.The poor are guilty until proven inocent and get no real representation.They get a public defender who are worthless.Ineffective idiots.Who only care about taking a deal not whether the person is guilty or not.I myself was tortured for 6 months before I broke and took there pea deal all the while pleading not guilty.Where was my speedy trial.Obama states the united states does not torture that is a flat out lie.The poor stay in jail while the rich get out and get a good lawyer to plead there case and the more money the more likely they will win.Point in case simpson case.The so called justice system in this country is a joke.The laws only applie to the poor it seems.President clinton Ccommits perjury for the whole country too see and instead of getting 10 years in prison like any poor person gets he gets a slap on the wrist.Guess it's ok to commit purjury if you are a cop or well connected in this country.Or rich.All the people in wall street and bankers who caused the economic collapes.Not one a day in jail.Police caught on taoe beating people for no good reason falsifying reports.Not a day in jail.Hey but if you beat on them it's two years in prison.Should a officer that is sworn too serve and protect the people and is paid by the people to do so get at least double the time as a citizen doing the same thing too them.I think so.Justice there is no justice.Politians and cops get away with murder.As crooked judges back them up.It's all a lie peoiple.And it's time too wake up and take our country back from these rich corporations and goverment control by money.Get true equal justice for all. we need what hwappened in eygpt to happen here.Wake up America it's time to take back our country.And trully make it a country for ther people by the people.Not for the rich by the rich. sincerly jjbassett
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